Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Heartsy Feature Going on Now!

Hi lovers!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday.  I am feeling a little sickly and no matter what I do the aching won't stop!  After a nice long nap, I thought it would be fun to post about a special deal I'm offering through Heartsy.  What is Heartsy?  Well it's an online website, similar to Groupon but exclusively for Etsy stores.  

The deal I am offering to you, my wonderful supporters, is $21.00 worth of merchandise for only $9.00!

Simply visit this link to buy your Heartsy and then visit my shop to purchase your goods!  You can visit my shop first too, but I guarantee you'll find something perfect for you or to give as a gift ;)

 Thank you so much for your support!


Holly said...

Look at how lovely and full your shop is right now! The wreaths are so pretty. I think you're going to do great with your Heartsy discount. Good luck, my beautiful friend! I think i may have forgotten to tell you how pretty you looked in your pink acorn. I was SO excited that you are the one who ended up with it!

Holly said...

Renee, this is your blog speaking. Come give me some lovin'. I miss our time together, and I want you to get all up on me. Well really this is me, Holly, but I still want some lovin'.

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